Maua in Ruaha NP, Tz

Maua in Ruaha NP, Tz

Monday 27 January 2014


When I returned to Iringa I found that our neighbour (who had moved in during December) had bought/ acquired some chickens. He had also knocked down the lovely papaya tree in the garden as well as some other shrubs, but this particular post is about the chickens.

I have counted 2 male and 11 female chickens.

During the night I think they are locked away in a (newly-built) pen adjacent to the house.

Early in the morning they wander round to my side of the compound.

And the cockerels have discovered that if they 'cock-a-doodle-do' in our porch it makes a RESOUNDING noise that makes them sound ever-so big and scary.

My bedroom is to the right.

So this little so-and-so is at the top of my wanted list:

To be got rid of preferably surreptitiously so the neighbour doesn't know it was me. Thanks.

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