Maua in Ruaha NP, Tz

Maua in Ruaha NP, Tz

Monday 23 June 2014

Dar es Salaam - the road headed west

Many changes are taking place in Dar es Salaam, particularly with the construction of bus stations and renovation of the main road heading out west which is where we need to go for Iringa. The photos from this journey were taken just after the rains, so some of the roads are still full of water, and people still had to struggle through mud in some areas.

We took a different bus leaving Dar this time, one that left at 9.30am instead of 6.30am, and as it was daylight we were able to take some photos of the journey from motel to bus station, passing advertising billboards, bus stands being constructed, people waiting on corners for their daladalas (city bus):


Onto the bus....

And then dawdle through traffic trying to get out of Dar:

At least you can easily buy food and drink from the wandering vendors, whose boxes of wares reach the bus windows perfectly when resting on their heads.

These Pepsi and Coca-Cola trucks manage to get their products to every corner of Tanzania (maybe the government can learn something from them).

And so after 45 minutes to get to the outskirts of Dar and into faster-than-snails'-pace traffic, we are finally on our way, but it least I got a chance to take some photos. Note how some motorcyclists wear their jackets back-to-front, or even a specially-fabricated padded chest coat - this is because the belief here is that you can catch TB from the cold caused by riding the motorbike. Interesting....

Past the new bus stations:
And past flooded fields where the water has nowhere to drain to:
Many homes are vulnerable to these weather extremes, with many properties being washed away and lives being lost. For a bit more info check out these sites:

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